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Soft start soft starter soft starter for home AC 9A soft starter 9 amp soft starter icm870 9a icm icm controls made in USA UL Listed home ac home a/c home air conditioner RV marine residential commercial compressor motor in-rush current reducing peak current demand softstart softstarter

Generac 9A Soft Starter

The ICM870 Soft Start is intended for residential, RV, marine, and commercial applications. The ICM870 integrates compressor or motor in-rush current over startup time, thus reducing peak current demand on a power supply source by up to 70%.

The ICM870 will monitor system health including voltage, current, compressor startup and integrity. Utilizing a built-in self learning algorithm the ICM870 soft start delivers peak in-rush current per application.

Upon a fault condition, the ICM870 will halt operation and initiate a 3 minute anti-short cycle routine while providing diagnostic fault information by means of an LED indicator.

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